Yesterday was so gorgeous it got up to 20 degrees (positive :)) and we all felt like it was a heat wave. Anthony chipped some of the ice off of our drive way and built a snow fort for the kids in the front yard. Me and the kids had so much fun playing in it during the sunny afternoon.
my kids would have LOVED to be out with you. ethan constantly asks why we don't get snow...
Looks like fun, but I don't know how you stand that freezy cold. Even our 30's are too cold for me these days. I'm so spoiled! Snowbird looked like fun, too. It's so fun to spy on friends, huh?
Its nice to see that the weather is so warm. it has plummeted down to the 40's here, and we are looking forward to golfing today after school when the temperature is a balmy 65. I did always love a good snow fort, it will probably last until July wont it?
Andrea I didn't know you guys had a blog- yea! Your kids are so cute. Hope we get to see you this summer
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