

A Perfect Day in Woodruff

It was above freezing today which is rare in Woodruff and we had the greatest time! I finally figured out that it isn't the winter that I hate, it is the negative temps that about kill me!

So while Isabelle was doing this....
Anthony and I and the kids were out enjoying the warmer winter weather. He pulled us on sleds behind the four wheeler then we made his and her snowmen. It really was the perfect day!!


Picture overload

As the days get shorter and colder I find myself having more "free" time, that is I am not able to enjoy being outside as much and as a result I get VERY restless so I finally decided to download my camera which I was surprised to see had almost 200 pictures on it in just two months! Here are a few my favorite pics over the last two months. I really try to make an effort to capture our daily activities and moments I know I will miss when these little tykes are grown and gone.

Kaitlen as Cinderella, I couln't get this to move down with other halloween pics......

My kids just playing together, and having fun. Best moments of being a mom! :)

Road trip with the kids to see Lisa out in Elko

A visit to temple square to see my grandma who is a missionary there.

Riding horses and 4 wheelers with my dad

Picking apples with the kids.

My brother and his wife as "Red Necks"

Anthony as Sherlock Samuel as Luke Skywalker, Isabelle as Ariel (not shown)
Savannah as Snow White

When Anthony gets home from work the kids smoother him to death! They love their daddy.....Whats not to love? He is the funnest guy I know, and they agree.

Samuel and his great grandpa
Samuel's Baptism Day


Best Buds

Kaitlen and Isabelle are so fun to have home together, they make me laugh and keep me on my toes. Kaitlen is such a great big sister (not the best at being a little sister, she gives Savannah a lot of grief!) she is so sweet with Isabelle and the two of them have a special bond, which I hope they keep. As you can see Kaitlen puts up with a lot and rarely gets upset with her. As for me I am enjoying having time alone with my two babies while the "big" kids are gone to school all day.



Samuel turned 8 last months and was baptized just a few days latter. (I don't' feel old enough to have an eight year old!) We had a such a great day and we are so grateful to all our family and friends who helped make it so. I realized how much better days such as those are when you have everyone you love around you. Thanks!


First Race

My brother, his wife, and kids have been racing mt. bikes for several years and are actually very good at it. I have always wanted to try it out so Samuel and I had our first races up at Solider Hollow this summer. Samuel did Awesome and loved it! It is so funny to watch the kids out on a little single track coarse. They did so good.
My race was a biathlon. Ride one loop and then take 5 shots at a target. I crashed pretty hard on my practise loop at a technical part of the trail. (I latter found out that I had fractured my ribs.) Anyway I continued the race and finished.......not very fast but I did finish. It was actually really fun and super hard. I definitely need more practise on single track before I try racing it.:) As for now I will stick to the road.



I have been putting off posting on our blog because I wasn't sure where to begin. So I have decided that rather then doing one huge post about our summer of fun I will relive the summer over a period of time and then in the dreary winter months I will be able to recall the glorious days of summer.
After 9 years of being away from one of mine and Anthonys favorite place on earth we finally returned to Lake Powell. We were able to go with my sister and her in laws and had the BEST time! I have the best mother in law in the world and she kept our little 1 year old home with her, which really made the trip so much more enjoyable for everyone. I loved the freedom of playing with the kids and sharing with them the place I love so much.
Kaitlen loved the freedom of this trip, and being able to go on hiking and swimming adventures.

Me and Lisa and our boys enjoying the warm water.

Savannah really surprised us on this trip she was full of adventure and was up for anything. If a group was swimming across the bay she was right there with them swimming with a noddle and her little pink life jacket.....priceless!

Samuel caught his dads fishing bug and loved to fish off of the top of the houseboat. He caught a ton of different fish. Him and his cousins were often found rummaging threw the garbage after dinner for bait (meat scrapes) to catch a big catfish


a few summer firsts

First trip around lazy river
Finally walking

building a "fort" of which the kids were to scared of the bears to use

first mt. bike ride
first fish


Anthony's parents took all of their children and spouse to Kirtland this spring. We had such a great time and saw a lot of really neat church sites and also went to Niagara Falls. So many things happened to the early saints in Kirtland and it was awesome to feel the spirit that was there. It was such a great trip and fun to have a few days of just adults. My mom was good enough to tend all of the kids for us.


New Picks of Isabelle

Check out these new pictures of Isabelle.


Thanks Jill they are darling!!


Isabelle turns 1!!

Isabelle turned 1 on the 10th. I can't believe it this year went by so fast. It seems like the more kids we have in our family the faster the years go by. I'm constantly reminded to enjoy every moment cause they pass by to quickly.

Wheres the BEEF?

Grandma Liza thought it would be great to let little Isabelle have steak for her Birthday. She loved it and chewed that bone down to the nubbins!



One Spring Day

A few weeks ago it was actually spring for a brief moment and Lisa was in town, Kaitlen turned 3 and we got to spend one beautiful day at the park. I miss GREEN!!!

I made Kaitlen a Barbie Princess cake, I was so proud of myself! She loved it!! She was so excited to have a big birthday party with ALL of her cousins it was chaotic but so fun.

My gorgeous sister and her cute little one year old Scotty

I love this little baby she really is the happiest, friendliest and cutest little thing. I just can't get enough of her!! She turns one this week and it makes me so sad to see her growing up.

Samuel is the best big brother to his sisters, he really wanted a baby brother but he has loved having this little "twiner" around.



We went to Snowbird a few weeks ago and had a great time with the exception of a small case of food posioning.......(not fun) anyway I've been going to the Iron blossom with my grandma and grandpa Stewart ever since I was little and now we are able to continue this tradition with our own little family. I love the idea of my kids playing in the same pool that I did when I was there age. Learning to ski on the same bunny hill that my grandma taught me to ski. Sitting on the edge of the "adult" only hot tub begging me to get in the same way I used to beg grandma. I love that I am able to now share my love for snowbird with my little tots!


Alive and Well

Most of my friends who have 4 kids pretty much have stopped blogging and I now know why. Life with a family of 6 is absolutely crazy!! I rarely have time for myself let alone trying to maintain a blog I do still occasionally have time to see what you all are up to but the moments are few. We are all doing really good and had a great holiday season. I can't believe it is already the middle of January!! With tax season looming around the corner I'm trying to get things caught up around my house. So a little blog maintenance is long over due.

Isabelle is 9 months old and into everything!! She loves to eat garbage, Polly pocket shoes, Lego's, or pretty much anything one of the kids leave on the floor. We are loving this baby to death I love to just sit and snuggle her, I now realize how quickly they grow up.

Kaitlen is still "in training" this includes potty, sleeping (she is a terrible sleeper and up at least 1 or 2 times a night screaming), good manors, and over all mischievousness. She is such a funny little girl and loves to make us laugh. Her favorite thing to do is play "dudes" (she pretends everything is a mom and dad and plays with them) with anyone.

Samuel is learning to snowboard and is loving it! He is also playing on a little league b-ball team and gets so excited about practising. He is in the first grade and turning out to be a little math wizard he does very well with all the math programs at our school and is the top of the class
Savannah is in preschool and loves going. She is such a good big sister and puts up with a lot from her two younger sisters. She is so good to play with Kaitlen and they have such a fun time together.

Whoa this sounds little bit like a Christmas card.......sorry. I'm not making any promises as to when the next post will be but if nothing else tune in to hear a few good songs! :)