

I have been putting off posting on our blog because I wasn't sure where to begin. So I have decided that rather then doing one huge post about our summer of fun I will relive the summer over a period of time and then in the dreary winter months I will be able to recall the glorious days of summer.
After 9 years of being away from one of mine and Anthonys favorite place on earth we finally returned to Lake Powell. We were able to go with my sister and her in laws and had the BEST time! I have the best mother in law in the world and she kept our little 1 year old home with her, which really made the trip so much more enjoyable for everyone. I loved the freedom of playing with the kids and sharing with them the place I love so much.
Kaitlen loved the freedom of this trip, and being able to go on hiking and swimming adventures.

Me and Lisa and our boys enjoying the warm water.

Savannah really surprised us on this trip she was full of adventure and was up for anything. If a group was swimming across the bay she was right there with them swimming with a noddle and her little pink life jacket.....priceless!

Samuel caught his dads fishing bug and loved to fish off of the top of the houseboat. He caught a ton of different fish. Him and his cousins were often found rummaging threw the garbage after dinner for bait (meat scrapes) to catch a big catfish

1 comment:

Katie said...

Looks so fun! Glad to have you back.