Whoa! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only blogger who is to busy during the summer months to post very often, isn't that how it should be?? I've had a vinyl in my closet forever that says "Live every Moment" we finally got around to putting it up on our kitchen wall and it has kind of been our motto for the summer. One week left of summer and I am utterly exhausted!! Anthony spent the summer working a few days a week in Orem so that meant alot of days away from home for us, fortunetly for us however my mom has an appartment in her basement and was gracious enough to let us crash at her place. Here are a few pictures of the summer highlights.

Kaitlen riding "Captain" up at the cabin

The kids took swimming lessons with their cousins and had a great time.

Savannah turned 5 and had a fun party at the pool with all her cousins.

We visited Mesa Verde, really amazing place.
We spent a week in New Mexico visiting my sister. Here we are "down by the river" Rio Grande.
I love this picture of Savannah and Samuel playing in the water.

We stayed at Bear Lake for a few days with Anthonys family and had a great time, they are such a fun family to hang out with and we always have a lot of fun laughing whenever we are together.
Looks like fun. Where did you stay when you went to Bear Lake?
Glad you had a great summer. Those pictures are great! How did you get that one of the guys in the water!? Fun times!
Great times!!
looks like a fun summer! Cute pics!
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