I decided making gingerbread houses would be a fun tradition to start with my family and since you can buy a kit for $8 why not? Nothing to spectacular but we had a good time doing it. Does any one make their own gingerbread anymore?? Does anyone know how to make good soft gingerbread cookies?? I really want to make some this season but want a good recipe.
10 years ago
we've been constructing them for a few years now and i think it has become a tradition here. the kids love it, though from experience we can tell you that it is purely decorative and does not make for good eats.
oh! post a pic of your finished house on the stewart blog and i'll do the same. lets get others to go for it too and we'll have a virtual parade of gingerbread houses.
check martha stewart recipes or allrecipes.com for good gingerbread. i'm sure there are dozens of good suggestions.
its really soft if you dont cook the dough. It tastes better to.
We just spent a few days of Thanksgiving making them in Bear Lake from scratch. um.....not sure if I will do it again or not!!! The part the kids love it decorating them and the making of the peices was just work for us moms!! It was fun though. Decorating them will definately remain a tradition, but I'm not sure about the "from scratch" thing! =0 If you find a yummy recipe for cookies let me know! I will say I LOVED the smell of the house peices cooking! YUM!
Looks like fun! One of my friends invited us over to decorate houses next week. So I guess that is when we will do ours. She also ivited about 10 other people with kids so I am sure it will be absolute craziness! But hopefully a lot of fun too.
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