
Warm Shadows

Last month I decided to paint my kitchen. I painted my previously white cabinets black, which took forever, but I love them, they look so much better. I have the hardest time picking out paint how are you supposed to in vision what a 1 inch square of paint is going to look like on every wall in your kitchen?? Well Anthony's brother just painted his house in "warm shadow" and we both loved the color so after we left his house we went strait to the paint store to get "warm shadows".....oooops did I say warm shadows??? well huge mistake a 2 hour drive latter we had our paint home and we're ready to go. Well my first swipe on the walls was followed by a panicked call to my sister in law Elise, "Did your paint kind of look purplish when you first put it on?" :) Of course she said no but our walls were green before so I figured it was just the green showing through, anyway after 4 hours of painting, and two coats latter Anthony and I successfully painted our kitchen Mauve, that's right mauve, white trim and black cabinets. It was quite the sight. You might be asking yourself "why did you keep painting once you saw it was the wrong color?" I've asked myself the same question a hundred times. The funny thing is that the entire time we were painting we keep saying, "this doesn't look pink does it?? No, it looks more grayish brown right?? " Well kids always can be depended upon to tell the truth and sure enough when Samuel saw it in the morning he said, "Why did you paint the kitchen pink??" Anthony and I just looked at each other and laughed guess it isn't grayish brown. Anyway long story but a month latter we made it back to Provo and looked at Scott and Elises "Warm Shadows" again and find out it is in fact "Warm Shadow" no "S" the paint store was really good about exchanging the paint. Who would've thought a "S" could make the difference between a mossy brown and mauve! What a hoot, needless to say our kitchen looks MUCH better!


Lisa said...

Good thing you have such great "helpers" to make your job so much easier. The kids are looking so grown up!

Katie said...

I think I'd have stuck with a pink kitchen! You guys are good sports. Funny story--the best is that you painted the WHOLE thing without giving up.

Jennifer said...

i painted my bedroom grey one evening (this is not a small feat - it takes hours to do my room around all the windows and doors and moldings) and i just kept hoping that the color would miraculously change as well. The next morning, i woke up to depressing blah grey and took off for the paint store to 'try again'.
We also have a ridiculously hard time picking paint and we have become the butt of many a joke among our friends with our dozens of cans of sample paints and our techicolored walls. I end up creating my own shades and taking them in to be color matched.

Andrea said...

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who continues to paint hoping that once I'm done it will become the color I originaly wanted :)

Amanda said...

Ive done this same thing!! Those paint swatches never match!! I painted Elyses room about 5 times.

Melissa said...

It looks much better. I did like the purple look, but it's not for everyone :) Thanks for letting us visit. We had a blast!

Rex.Moldy Blog said...

LOVED your story! I'm just sorry that you had to paint your kitchen twice! =) I would LOVE to see the finished product!